Author: Vernon DeFlanders
Copyright (c) 2008 Vernon DeFlanders
A total vegetarian or vegan diet, contrary to popular belief, is interesting, flavorful and usually includes a much wider variety of foods than those consumed by the average omnivore. By adopting a vegetarian diet, not only do we avoid the risks presented by consuming animal products, we enjoy colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant packages that go to work to help protect our cells against heart
disease and invading cancers.
Vegetarianism (for health) doesn't need to be a religion. It will be a meal by meal choice. Their staples like rice, oats, beans, and pasta are very inexpensive. Vegetarians do not need to eat special combinations of foods to meet protein needs. However, it is important to be aware of fat.
Meats and other non-vegetarian products add toxins in the body and make it a bit difficult to get rid off; thus leading to further health complications. A vegetarian diet on the
other hand, is easy on the body, is a healthier option, and helps the body to get rid off toxins easily. One of the most important health factors of a vegetarian diet is the lowered amount of cholesterol intake, you will lower your cholesterol levels greatly by a vegetarian diet, but a vegan diet will stop your intake 100 percent.
Vegetarian alternatives are now more accessible to everyone. Serve simple foods that can easily be duplicated by food service (rather than more expensive foods like fake meats). You may choose to serve several at one sitting, or go periodically, say once a month, with different selections. Serve with salad, we also like couscous with herbs and spices and roasted veg. It works well and as my daughter (at the moment) will eat chicken but not much in the way of red meat we are surviving. Serve the kabobs with a tossed green salad and something light for dessert, such as a fruit sorbet. Vegetarian diets that are poorly planned may range from a lack of protein, iron, and zinc, vitamin B12 to having a deficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids to vitamin A, B2, D and iodine. Without a proper diet, people who are vegans may be deficient in vitamin B12 and calcium. Vegetarian Times is packed with delicious, easy recipes that can aid proper weight control. Our pages contain everything from quick dinners for the family to elegant company meals.
For most vegans, veganism is more than just a diet it is also a lifestyle. Vegans or total vegetarians only eat plant foods, which include legumes or dried beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts. Lactovegetarians eat plant food and include cheese and other dairy products. Vegans can get adequate calcium from plant products but it is a challenge! Studies suggest that vegetarians don't need as much calcium as non-vegetarians - but as much doesn't mean not any. If you are using tofu as a calcium source, be sure it is calcium set. Soy, itself, does not contain substantial calcium; it is a certain process of making the tofu that adds the calcium. Vegans are considered vegetarians but are usually known as total vegetarians since they do not eat meat of any kind, never wear clothing made from animals (wool for example), and never consume animal-based products like milk and eggs. That is the most extreme of the vegetarians.
Meat consumption is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer (number four in both men and women), whereas legumes and dried fruits appear to be protective. Ovarian cancer, number five in women, has been linked with dairy (including skim milk), egg, and meat consumption.
Meat analogs produced by high-moisture extrusion of soy proteins are good alternatives to animal meat and have many health benefits. In addition to textural properties, an abundant fibrous structure in such extrudates is a key factor for consumer acceptance. Meat analogs can be purchased to replace hamburger, steak, chicken, hot dogs, sausage, and many other meat products. Meat analogs are vegetable-protein based foods made to resemble and simulate various kinds of meat. These analogs have become a healthy alternative for the mainstream consumer interested in reducing the meat in their diets. Meat eating contributes to a mentality of violence through "karmic consequences.".Fear begets fear, fear begets violence, and violence begets violence. Meat-eaters inflict a heavy burden on vegetarians we pay dearly for the meat addictions of our fellow citizens today; and if things continue as they are, future generations of vegetarians will pay even more dearly. As of yet we vegetarians are not allowed tax breaks nor lower insurance premiums for our gentle lifestyle.
Animal wastes cause 10 times more water pollution than does the U.S. Meat producers are the number one industrial polluters in our nation, contributing to half the water pollution in the United States. Animal agribusiness requires vast resources, resulting in the devastation of the environment, and is a major contributor global warming (more, in fact, than all the world's cars, trucks and airplanes combined). And avoiding meat is better for our bodies: the American Dietetic Association reports that vegetarians have lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer and that vegetarians are less likely to be obese than meat-eaters.
Eating nuts and whole grains, while eliminating dairy products and meat, will improve your cardiovascular health. A British study indicates that a vegan diet reduces the risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Eating flourishing is digit of the easiest structure to secure both your feeling and fleshly eudaemonia rest at their constructive peek.
Vegetarians do not support the meat producing industry, an industry that accounts for more waste production than all other industries in the United States combined. As a vegetarian, you benefit from a more healthy lifestyle, as well as promoting a healthier planet. The SDA vegetarian diet recommends some legumes, nuts, and low-fat diary products in moderation. Examples of recommended dairy products would be milk, yogurt, light cheeses, with eggs used sparingly. Add a massive orange juice (they only come in "massive" these days) and you have a pretty healthy veggie meal for a couple
of bucks. The eggs are on the register but not the menu. Even though fatty meats may be limited on a vegetarian diet, a steady diet of fatty dairy products could cause the amount of artery-clogging saturated fat that is consumed to be off the Richter scale!
IMPORTANT NOTICE It is strongly advised that all persons seek advice and guidance from a competent medical doctor regarding and prior to embarking on a vegetarian dietary lifestyle change. This is particularly true for pregnant women or mothers who are breast feeding infant children, senior citizens, growing children, and/or any individual who is suffering from or being treated for any disease or health disorder.
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About the Author:
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Vernon De Flanders - Is the Webmaster Of " Vegetarian Lives " author of the new eBook: " Making the Case of a Vegetarian Lifestyle " A Beginner's Guide to the Vegan and Vegetarian Lifestyle. Here Is How You Can Look Better, Feel Better, Have More Energy and Even Add Years To Your Life!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
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