Vegetarianism is on the rise in contemporary America, largely because of nutritional, ethical, and environmental concerns. Still, recent surveys put the number of true vegetarians at less than three percent of the U.S. Vegetarian food can be very simple; for example, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is vegetarian. Vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants and protect us from many diseases. Green vegetables contain essential vitamins & minerals and are thus very beneficial for health.
Probably one of the most perplexing thoughts a person has when they transition to vegetarianism is keeping their diet filled with a variety of fun, diverse, and nutrient-dense foods. It can sometimes feel like you're cutting many options out since you're no longer consuming meat, and it may seem you're losing even more options if you've also decided to cut dairy and eggs from your diet as well. With a little creativity, planning, and forethought, you might be surprised how much variety you can achieve with your new vegetarian diet - perhaps even more than your meat-eating days!
Vegetarian recipes are tasty, and easy to make. You can turn any recipe into a purely vegetarian one by replacing the meats with any vegetarian alternative. Raw foods are considered healthy because they lose none of their nutrients through heat in the cooking process. More rigid raw eaters simply blend fruits and vegetables. Raw sliced almonds are also a nice alternative to pecans.Vegetarianism can be very confusing to those who are not familiar with it. But I have discovered that I feel better when I eat vegetarian meals. Raw foods are considered healthy because they lose none of their nutrients through heat in the cooking process. More rigid raw eaters simply blend fruits and vegetables. Raw sliced almonds are also a nice alternative to pecans. And contrary to popular belief, vegetarian recipes are full of the taste and enjoyment of many other foods you eat..
Vegetarian recipes provide the most efficient nutriment for the human system, because plants form the basis of the food chain, closest to the source of life itself, which is solar energy. Indian vegetarian dishes are loaded with antioxidants. Many spices protect against cancer, heart disease, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. Vegetable curries and usals. Salads, koshimbir and bhurta. Contrary to popular belief, preparing a quick easy vegetarian meal may be a convenient task after all.
Vegetarian recipes are included, as well as information on adapting some recipes to a vegetarian diet. Each recipe contains nutrition information per serving and even cost per serving, which many cooks find helpful. Raw foods are considered healthy because they lose none of their nutrients through heat in the cooking process. More rigid raw eaters simply blend fruits and vegetables. Raw sliced almonds are also a nice alternative to pecans. And contrary to popular belief, vegetarian recipes are full of the taste and enjoyment of many other foods you eat.
Vegetarianism isn't just about food or health or what we put in our body we should remember that it is a lifestyle and a lifelong commitment that extends beyond the table. It extends to our own fashion to wardrobe to interior pieces and other things. The information, recipes and website links on this page are provided to help anyone begin or to increase their ability to be a vegetarian. Vegetarians have their own favorite dishes and desserts. Vegetarian diets call for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and soybeans as a replacement for meat (which is much higher in saturated fats and much lower in fiber, antioxidants). This contributes to a healthy heart.
Indian food is different from the food of any other country. India has a great variety of foods compared to any other country. Indian cuisine varies from region to region, reflecting the varied demographics of the ethnically diverse subcontinent . Cuisine across India has also been influenced by various cultural groups that entered India throughout history, from regions as diverse as West Asia , Central Asia and Europe. Gujarati cuisine of India is predominantly vegetarian among other Indian cuisines. For pure vegetarians India is a heaven.
Indian vegetarian dishes are loaded with antioxidants. Many spices protect against cancer, heart disease, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. Indian vegetarian food proves all of this wrong. Indian culinary, or the art of cooking, has evolved with the times imbibing its share of various ingredients by different froeign invasions of rulers and travelers but without affecting its original identity. Therefore, whether it is North India, South India, East India, West India, the central part and the north-eastern part - each place has its own flavor of food and style of cooking.
Meatless meals are great for stretching the family food budget. In general, vegetarian cooking provides essential protein nutrients from plant sources plus dairy products, eggs and whole grains. Meat can be considered as being a vital part of the main daily meal. While meat lovers will not have a problem with this inclusion into their meal, others may.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Types of Vegetarian
In a typical setting, with some typical people, I came up with my typical confession that I have become a vegetarian. Very typically, someone will pause for a second, then ask:"Oh! But you do eat fish right?" My typical respond would be a firm "no". Arrgh!
There are many types of vegetarian. A typical one would be a Vegan. They are the most religious of all. Not only does not eat meat, but also abstain from garlic, chives, shallots, ginger, daily products like eggs, milk, cheeze, etc.... its the most difficult to practice and easiest to give-up because of it's regidity. But I do admire them because it takes determinations, lots of great determination, to sustain.
Another type would be those that practice being a Vegan on certain days of the month. Easiest to follow since just a few days every month. But let's not stop here. There is more to be done. Go! Vege! Go!
One type to watch out for are those that abstain from one or more types of meat. For example pork, beef, seafood (for these I suspect its more due to religion, mental or physical). Nevertheless, some form of abstain is a good beginning.
A typical goumet like me settle for becoming a Lacto-Ova Vegetarian. One that omits meats but eats anything else edible. So long as it does not promotes killing. Its the easiest to stick to and also most widely acceptable among other practices. We still want to enjoy deliciously cooked saliva dripping food, don't we? Nah... So much for attachments!
You can chose one of the above style that typically fits in your daily routine to begin with. But whichever you chose, bare this in mind:-
The spririt of giving brings joy. But the joyous gift of all is the gift of life!
There are many types of vegetarian. A typical one would be a Vegan. They are the most religious of all. Not only does not eat meat, but also abstain from garlic, chives, shallots, ginger, daily products like eggs, milk, cheeze, etc.... its the most difficult to practice and easiest to give-up because of it's regidity. But I do admire them because it takes determinations, lots of great determination, to sustain.
Another type would be those that practice being a Vegan on certain days of the month. Easiest to follow since just a few days every month. But let's not stop here. There is more to be done. Go! Vege! Go!
One type to watch out for are those that abstain from one or more types of meat. For example pork, beef, seafood (for these I suspect its more due to religion, mental or physical). Nevertheless, some form of abstain is a good beginning.
A typical goumet like me settle for becoming a Lacto-Ova Vegetarian. One that omits meats but eats anything else edible. So long as it does not promotes killing. Its the easiest to stick to and also most widely acceptable among other practices. We still want to enjoy deliciously cooked saliva dripping food, don't we? Nah... So much for attachments!
You can chose one of the above style that typically fits in your daily routine to begin with. But whichever you chose, bare this in mind:-
The spririt of giving brings joy. But the joyous gift of all is the gift of life!
Array Vegan Lifestyle,
Types of Vegetarian,
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Fitness - Is Non-Vegetarian Food Unhealthy
If you are a pure non-vegetarian, you will probably raise a hue and cry at the thought of turning vegetarian! But the truth is that meat of any kind is tough on your smart cells.
If Nature intended you to be a non-vegetarian, she would have equipped you with claws, and sharp pointed teeth to tear into any flesh; given you acidic saliva to digest the animal protein; a round stomach with the capacity to produce plenty of hydrochloric acid, fewer intestines to shorten the process of digesting the meat so that you could expel it before it putrefies inside; a liver that could dispel more uric acid than it does.Instead, we have hands with moveable fingers that can delicately pluck and peel fruits; blunt teeth and molars that crush and grind; alkaline saliva to digest plant protein; a stomach that produces small quantities of hydrochloric acid; more intestines that hold on to the food and give time for your smart cells to extract the required nutrients, a liver that can expel small amounts of uric acid.Look around at your circle of friends. If you find one of them is suffering from gout, you can be sure he is a heavy red-meat eater. You can almost bet that he eats salami or sausages for breakfast, a steak for lunch and meat for dinner. Then, one day, after a leisurely weekend of imbibing an overdose of scotch-on-the-rocks and liberal helpings of cold cuts as hors d' oeuvres, and a plate piled with Mutton Moghlai, he would have slept feeling well-dined and content. Only to be jolted awake with his big toe pounding with pain. The gout had struck!What happened? His prolonged meat-eating habit had put an overload on his liver. The excess uric acid had no place to go in his system, so it turned into crystals and settled in the joint of his big toe - and, pow! (What does his doctor recommend? To stay off meat and eat only vegetables, at least until the inflammation recedes.)The onset of gout is only one side of the unhealthy coin. Meat is so high in indigestible fat content that it clogs up your arteries and can lead to a heart problem. It gives you no energy because though it contains carbohydrates, its also has undigestible animal protein and a high content of fat. That's the reason you feel heavy after a meaty meal. In fact, your smart cells sweat working overtime to digest the meat and use up all the carbohydrates and energy in knocking the meat into digestible shape!Meat also has neither fibre nor healthy plant protein. The animal protein is tough on your smart cells and turns toxic - turning your insides into mess. You get indigestion, bad breath and a heartburn. The toxies load your immune system and also make you vulnerable to disease.Lastly, look at your mental make-up. When you see a plump goat, do you get that predatory gleam in your eye that makes you stalk and kill it? Or if you've been to a sea-food restaurant which has a large aquarium filled with lobsters and are asked to pick one for dinner haven't you turned away with a shudder? Okay, you might argue, I don't see the live specimen when eating it.Of course, you don't. You are just habituated to eating meat. But, remember, ultimately meat is dangerous to your health. However, if you just cannot do without it, we suggest avoid red meats - beef, mutton, pork completely and go in for lean meats like chicken and fish. This way, at least you won't be overstraining your smart cells while satisfying your taste buds. Even a chicken cooked in an oil-less masata, however, has enough fat to knock your smart cells out and make you put on weight. So, cook your chicken curry the previous day and refrigerate it overnight. The next afternoon skim the thick layer of fat that has coagulated on the surface and then heat it before serving. This way, at least, you are reducing your fat intake, Along with your non-vegetarian dish, pile your plate with plenty of vegetables so that you don't gorge on the meat alone. And eggs? They are not really worth including in your meals, for the yolk is high in fat and cholesterol. Which means that eating only the white albumen is best. In any case, they contain enough sulphur to strain your liver and kidneys. So, if you must. have an egg only once in ten days so as not to 'eggsasperate' your taste buds!The culture of eating cooked food is deeply embedded in us. But we cannot ignore the value of raw foods. Make sure that your thali has plenty of salad and sprouts. For, the time taken by the body to digest and absorb various foods is:13 hours - raw vegetables, fruits, sprouts.24 hours - cooked vegetables and pulses.72 hours - non-vegetarian and fried food.Next to the - raw state, steaming is best. So is boiling, provided you do it in minimum water. Deep frying damages the nutritional value and the oil makes you fat, and raises your blood cholestrol level. Finally, the word 'vegetable' springs from the Latin vegetus meaning fresh and full of life. It is what our scriptures called pranic shakti, meaning life-force, depicting strength and energy.Do ring in these little changes in your lifestyle. The two Es - exercising and eating right - will promote more than health. When you feel good about yourself, you will enjoy healthy relationships, a richer life. Fine-tune your mental dynamics. Don't ask yourself "Will this taste good?" Rather, ask, 'Will this taste good to my body's smart cells?" In that question lies your best answer.
Read out for Blackheads. Check out weight lifting routines and yoga
If Nature intended you to be a non-vegetarian, she would have equipped you with claws, and sharp pointed teeth to tear into any flesh; given you acidic saliva to digest the animal protein; a round stomach with the capacity to produce plenty of hydrochloric acid, fewer intestines to shorten the process of digesting the meat so that you could expel it before it putrefies inside; a liver that could dispel more uric acid than it does.Instead, we have hands with moveable fingers that can delicately pluck and peel fruits; blunt teeth and molars that crush and grind; alkaline saliva to digest plant protein; a stomach that produces small quantities of hydrochloric acid; more intestines that hold on to the food and give time for your smart cells to extract the required nutrients, a liver that can expel small amounts of uric acid.Look around at your circle of friends. If you find one of them is suffering from gout, you can be sure he is a heavy red-meat eater. You can almost bet that he eats salami or sausages for breakfast, a steak for lunch and meat for dinner. Then, one day, after a leisurely weekend of imbibing an overdose of scotch-on-the-rocks and liberal helpings of cold cuts as hors d' oeuvres, and a plate piled with Mutton Moghlai, he would have slept feeling well-dined and content. Only to be jolted awake with his big toe pounding with pain. The gout had struck!What happened? His prolonged meat-eating habit had put an overload on his liver. The excess uric acid had no place to go in his system, so it turned into crystals and settled in the joint of his big toe - and, pow! (What does his doctor recommend? To stay off meat and eat only vegetables, at least until the inflammation recedes.)The onset of gout is only one side of the unhealthy coin. Meat is so high in indigestible fat content that it clogs up your arteries and can lead to a heart problem. It gives you no energy because though it contains carbohydrates, its also has undigestible animal protein and a high content of fat. That's the reason you feel heavy after a meaty meal. In fact, your smart cells sweat working overtime to digest the meat and use up all the carbohydrates and energy in knocking the meat into digestible shape!Meat also has neither fibre nor healthy plant protein. The animal protein is tough on your smart cells and turns toxic - turning your insides into mess. You get indigestion, bad breath and a heartburn. The toxies load your immune system and also make you vulnerable to disease.Lastly, look at your mental make-up. When you see a plump goat, do you get that predatory gleam in your eye that makes you stalk and kill it? Or if you've been to a sea-food restaurant which has a large aquarium filled with lobsters and are asked to pick one for dinner haven't you turned away with a shudder? Okay, you might argue, I don't see the live specimen when eating it.Of course, you don't. You are just habituated to eating meat. But, remember, ultimately meat is dangerous to your health. However, if you just cannot do without it, we suggest avoid red meats - beef, mutton, pork completely and go in for lean meats like chicken and fish. This way, at least you won't be overstraining your smart cells while satisfying your taste buds. Even a chicken cooked in an oil-less masata, however, has enough fat to knock your smart cells out and make you put on weight. So, cook your chicken curry the previous day and refrigerate it overnight. The next afternoon skim the thick layer of fat that has coagulated on the surface and then heat it before serving. This way, at least, you are reducing your fat intake, Along with your non-vegetarian dish, pile your plate with plenty of vegetables so that you don't gorge on the meat alone. And eggs? They are not really worth including in your meals, for the yolk is high in fat and cholesterol. Which means that eating only the white albumen is best. In any case, they contain enough sulphur to strain your liver and kidneys. So, if you must. have an egg only once in ten days so as not to 'eggsasperate' your taste buds!The culture of eating cooked food is deeply embedded in us. But we cannot ignore the value of raw foods. Make sure that your thali has plenty of salad and sprouts. For, the time taken by the body to digest and absorb various foods is:13 hours - raw vegetables, fruits, sprouts.24 hours - cooked vegetables and pulses.72 hours - non-vegetarian and fried food.Next to the - raw state, steaming is best. So is boiling, provided you do it in minimum water. Deep frying damages the nutritional value and the oil makes you fat, and raises your blood cholestrol level. Finally, the word 'vegetable' springs from the Latin vegetus meaning fresh and full of life. It is what our scriptures called pranic shakti, meaning life-force, depicting strength and energy.Do ring in these little changes in your lifestyle. The two Es - exercising and eating right - will promote more than health. When you feel good about yourself, you will enjoy healthy relationships, a richer life. Fine-tune your mental dynamics. Don't ask yourself "Will this taste good?" Rather, ask, 'Will this taste good to my body's smart cells?" In that question lies your best answer.
Read out for Blackheads. Check out weight lifting routines and yoga
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Vegetarian Recipes: Going Vegetarian during your Pregnancy
Now that you’re pregnant, you’re wondering if your decision to become vegetarian can still be carried out successfully during your pregnancy. And while it is possible for you to obtain all the nutrients your body will need during pregnancy through a well-planned, nutrient-dense vegetarian diet, careful planning and observation will be crucial to your overall success transitioning to vegetarianism during your pregnancy.
In other words: take it slow and be smart!
A good vegetarian diet has a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, lentils, and nuts and some eggs and dairy or their equivalent if you so choose. Fast food, highly processed junk foods, and canned fruits and vegetables are eaten rarely if at all. It’s imperative that you make wise food choices at this crucial time, since a pregnant woman only needs approximately 300 more calories per day and about 10-16 extra grams of protein; however, the body's need for certain nutrients increases significantly. Every bite you take is important when you're pregnant.
While the RDAs (recommended daily allowances) for almost all nutrients increase, especially important are folic acid, iron, zinc, and vitamin B-12. Attention to adequate amounts of vitamin B-12 is crucial for vegetarians who choose not to eat eggs and dairy.
Work closely with your healthcare professional during this transition. The changeover from a meat-eating to a vegetarian diet can be rough on your body as it actually goes through a detoxification process during the transition. So, you want to ensure your baby is getting all the nutrients it needs at this time, and is growing and developing at a healthy rate. Start very slowly; perhaps only one or two days per week eating a vegetarian diet.
Gradually work soy and other plant-based proteins into your diet, and little by little use them to replace proteins obtained from eating meat products. Be sure to adequately supplement your diet with a quality prenatal supplement, and get adequate amounts of exercise and exposure to sunlight to promote your body to naturally produce vitamin D.
With careful planning, observation, and your healthcare professional’s guidance, the transition to vegetarianism during your pregnancy can be a cleansing and healthy start for both you and your baby to a lifetime of optimal health.
Source: Free Articles from
Get all your delicious vegetarian'>">vegetarian recipes here! Here at eBooksilverfish, we provide all the Best'>">Best eBooks at the best possible prices we can afford to, 24/7! In other words, you save more $$ and time, as you don't have to search elsewhere on the internet for similar eBooks! We do all the work for you!
In other words: take it slow and be smart!
A good vegetarian diet has a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, lentils, and nuts and some eggs and dairy or their equivalent if you so choose. Fast food, highly processed junk foods, and canned fruits and vegetables are eaten rarely if at all. It’s imperative that you make wise food choices at this crucial time, since a pregnant woman only needs approximately 300 more calories per day and about 10-16 extra grams of protein; however, the body's need for certain nutrients increases significantly. Every bite you take is important when you're pregnant.
While the RDAs (recommended daily allowances) for almost all nutrients increase, especially important are folic acid, iron, zinc, and vitamin B-12. Attention to adequate amounts of vitamin B-12 is crucial for vegetarians who choose not to eat eggs and dairy.
Work closely with your healthcare professional during this transition. The changeover from a meat-eating to a vegetarian diet can be rough on your body as it actually goes through a detoxification process during the transition. So, you want to ensure your baby is getting all the nutrients it needs at this time, and is growing and developing at a healthy rate. Start very slowly; perhaps only one or two days per week eating a vegetarian diet.
Gradually work soy and other plant-based proteins into your diet, and little by little use them to replace proteins obtained from eating meat products. Be sure to adequately supplement your diet with a quality prenatal supplement, and get adequate amounts of exercise and exposure to sunlight to promote your body to naturally produce vitamin D.
With careful planning, observation, and your healthcare professional’s guidance, the transition to vegetarianism during your pregnancy can be a cleansing and healthy start for both you and your baby to a lifetime of optimal health.
Source: Free Articles from
Get all your delicious vegetarian'>">vegetarian recipes here! Here at eBooksilverfish, we provide all the Best'>">Best eBooks at the best possible prices we can afford to, 24/7! In other words, you save more $$ and time, as you don't have to search elsewhere on the internet for similar eBooks! We do all the work for you!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Vegetarian Guide - Vegetarian Main Dish
The way to good health starts with eating food that is nutritious and filling. You will find that many people feel that a meal is complete when you have meats, vegetables and gravies as part of the main meal. Today’s thinking however has given this concept of a complete meal a twist. One food item that you will be able to see is becoming popular is that of vegetables. To make sure that you vegetarian meals taste delicious you should ensure that your vegetarian main dish is one that can stand on its own ands yet at the same time complement the rest meal.
These delicious vegetarian main dishes are ones that you can use in smaller quantities as side dishes as well if you so desire. To help you plan the complete vegetarian meal you can find recipes that will show you some of these dishes. The internet will also have a wide selection of main vegetarian courses that you can cook.
Whenever you are planning a meal with a vegetarian main dish you should see that you have chosen one that will provide you with most of the nutrients that your body needs. Any gravies and dressings that you will be using should be light in calories and texture. This way these foods will not detract from the vegetarian main dish.
Sometimes you will be able to find a great tasting vegetarian main dish that can take the place of a meat dish. There are other main dishes which can become the entire meal if you so desire. These dishes can be ones like bean burritos, Eggplant gratin, mock meat loaf, vegetable biriyani, Zucchini lasagna and others.
Some of these main dishes for vegetarian meals can have the ingredients made and set on the table. Once these food items have been placed on the table everyone can then choose what foods they want to have on their meals.
Eating a vegetarian main dish like Zucchini lasagna is perfect for people who love pasta but are unable to eat this dish due to the fact that they are on a wheat-free diet. Another variation on the lasagna vegetarian main dish is that of a Spinach lasagna. This particular lasagna dish is made with cheese, vegetables of your choice, a creamy white sauce and fresh spinach leaves.
For meat lovers you have a number of different main vegetarian dishes. These will mock meat loaf, mock lamb curry, Moussaka, mock beef bourguignon are among the meatless meat dishes that you will find are a perfect substitute vegetarian main dish.
As you can see while the term vegetarian may connote foods that are only vegetarian in origin, there are ones which will provide you with delicious meals that your family will beg to eat. The great choices that you will see for a vegetarian main dish are ones that will provide you with the satisfaction of eating healthy foods that are as delicious are their meatier counterparts.
These delicious vegetarian main dishes are ones that you can use in smaller quantities as side dishes as well if you so desire. To help you plan the complete vegetarian meal you can find recipes that will show you some of these dishes. The internet will also have a wide selection of main vegetarian courses that you can cook.
Whenever you are planning a meal with a vegetarian main dish you should see that you have chosen one that will provide you with most of the nutrients that your body needs. Any gravies and dressings that you will be using should be light in calories and texture. This way these foods will not detract from the vegetarian main dish.
Sometimes you will be able to find a great tasting vegetarian main dish that can take the place of a meat dish. There are other main dishes which can become the entire meal if you so desire. These dishes can be ones like bean burritos, Eggplant gratin, mock meat loaf, vegetable biriyani, Zucchini lasagna and others.
Some of these main dishes for vegetarian meals can have the ingredients made and set on the table. Once these food items have been placed on the table everyone can then choose what foods they want to have on their meals.
Eating a vegetarian main dish like Zucchini lasagna is perfect for people who love pasta but are unable to eat this dish due to the fact that they are on a wheat-free diet. Another variation on the lasagna vegetarian main dish is that of a Spinach lasagna. This particular lasagna dish is made with cheese, vegetables of your choice, a creamy white sauce and fresh spinach leaves.
For meat lovers you have a number of different main vegetarian dishes. These will mock meat loaf, mock lamb curry, Moussaka, mock beef bourguignon are among the meatless meat dishes that you will find are a perfect substitute vegetarian main dish.
As you can see while the term vegetarian may connote foods that are only vegetarian in origin, there are ones which will provide you with delicious meals that your family will beg to eat. The great choices that you will see for a vegetarian main dish are ones that will provide you with the satisfaction of eating healthy foods that are as delicious are their meatier counterparts.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Is a Vegetarian Diet Safe for My Child?
If you are a vegetarian parent you have probably considered putting your child on a vegetarian diet. Not only would it save you time and make meal planning easier, but for dietary reasons or ethical reasons you may believe it is the best choice for your child.
Conversely, you may not be a vegetarian but you may have a child who is at a vegetarian phase where he or she is rejecting meat but doesn't eat enough healthy foods to compensate for the nutritional gap.
Whatever the case may be, you may be wondering if a vegetarian diet is a sustainable, healthy choice for your child. Or, perhaps you have heard that a vegetarian diet could potentially stunt the growth of your child.
These concerns probably prevented you from putting your child on a vegetarian diet up to this point.
You should be aware that these concerns are in-fact legitimate issues and that if a vegetarian diet is poorly planned, it can cause serious long term and short term deficiencies especially in children who do not have sufficient stores of vitamins and minerals in their bodies as yet.
If you have not done sufficient research and are not well-prepared for the task of putting your child on a vegetarian diet, then you probably should not. However, if you've done your research and are aware of the kind of nutrients that vegetarian diets lack, then you know that these problems can easily be over-come with some meal planning.
You will probably be aware that putting your child on a vegetarian diet can greatly improve his or her health and limit the exposure to animal products that are often linked to hormones and preservatives.
To begin your child on a vegetarian diet you should make sure that you your meal-planning ensures enough of the following elements that vegetarian diets lack:
1) Protein - make sure that your child is getting enough protein from additional sources such as nuts and soybeans.
2) Calcium - ensure that your child is getting enough calcium in his diet by including lots of green leafy vegetables to his diet.
3) Iron - add more iron to your child's diet by increasing beans, soybeans, tofu and cereals.
4) Zinc - enhance your child's Zinc intake by increasing, nuts, peanut butter, and mushrooms.
If you concentrate on compensating for all of these common deficiencies that vegetarian diets lack, then, you can absolutely put your child on a vegetarian diet without any negative consequences.
Conversely, you may not be a vegetarian but you may have a child who is at a vegetarian phase where he or she is rejecting meat but doesn't eat enough healthy foods to compensate for the nutritional gap.
Whatever the case may be, you may be wondering if a vegetarian diet is a sustainable, healthy choice for your child. Or, perhaps you have heard that a vegetarian diet could potentially stunt the growth of your child.
These concerns probably prevented you from putting your child on a vegetarian diet up to this point.
You should be aware that these concerns are in-fact legitimate issues and that if a vegetarian diet is poorly planned, it can cause serious long term and short term deficiencies especially in children who do not have sufficient stores of vitamins and minerals in their bodies as yet.
If you have not done sufficient research and are not well-prepared for the task of putting your child on a vegetarian diet, then you probably should not. However, if you've done your research and are aware of the kind of nutrients that vegetarian diets lack, then you know that these problems can easily be over-come with some meal planning.
You will probably be aware that putting your child on a vegetarian diet can greatly improve his or her health and limit the exposure to animal products that are often linked to hormones and preservatives.
To begin your child on a vegetarian diet you should make sure that you your meal-planning ensures enough of the following elements that vegetarian diets lack:
1) Protein - make sure that your child is getting enough protein from additional sources such as nuts and soybeans.
2) Calcium - ensure that your child is getting enough calcium in his diet by including lots of green leafy vegetables to his diet.
3) Iron - add more iron to your child's diet by increasing beans, soybeans, tofu and cereals.
4) Zinc - enhance your child's Zinc intake by increasing, nuts, peanut butter, and mushrooms.
If you concentrate on compensating for all of these common deficiencies that vegetarian diets lack, then, you can absolutely put your child on a vegetarian diet without any negative consequences.
vegetarian diet
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Vegetarian Lifestyles
Author: Vernon DeFlanders
Copyright (c) 2008 Vernon DeFlanders
A total vegetarian or vegan diet, contrary to popular belief, is interesting, flavorful and usually includes a much wider variety of foods than those consumed by the average omnivore. By adopting a vegetarian diet, not only do we avoid the risks presented by consuming animal products, we enjoy colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant packages that go to work to help protect our cells against heart
disease and invading cancers.
Vegetarianism (for health) doesn't need to be a religion. It will be a meal by meal choice. Their staples like rice, oats, beans, and pasta are very inexpensive. Vegetarians do not need to eat special combinations of foods to meet protein needs. However, it is important to be aware of fat.
Meats and other non-vegetarian products add toxins in the body and make it a bit difficult to get rid off; thus leading to further health complications. A vegetarian diet on the
other hand, is easy on the body, is a healthier option, and helps the body to get rid off toxins easily. One of the most important health factors of a vegetarian diet is the lowered amount of cholesterol intake, you will lower your cholesterol levels greatly by a vegetarian diet, but a vegan diet will stop your intake 100 percent.
Vegetarian alternatives are now more accessible to everyone. Serve simple foods that can easily be duplicated by food service (rather than more expensive foods like fake meats). You may choose to serve several at one sitting, or go periodically, say once a month, with different selections. Serve with salad, we also like couscous with herbs and spices and roasted veg. It works well and as my daughter (at the moment) will eat chicken but not much in the way of red meat we are surviving. Serve the kabobs with a tossed green salad and something light for dessert, such as a fruit sorbet. Vegetarian diets that are poorly planned may range from a lack of protein, iron, and zinc, vitamin B12 to having a deficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids to vitamin A, B2, D and iodine. Without a proper diet, people who are vegans may be deficient in vitamin B12 and calcium. Vegetarian Times is packed with delicious, easy recipes that can aid proper weight control. Our pages contain everything from quick dinners for the family to elegant company meals.
For most vegans, veganism is more than just a diet it is also a lifestyle. Vegans or total vegetarians only eat plant foods, which include legumes or dried beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts. Lactovegetarians eat plant food and include cheese and other dairy products. Vegans can get adequate calcium from plant products but it is a challenge! Studies suggest that vegetarians don't need as much calcium as non-vegetarians - but as much doesn't mean not any. If you are using tofu as a calcium source, be sure it is calcium set. Soy, itself, does not contain substantial calcium; it is a certain process of making the tofu that adds the calcium. Vegans are considered vegetarians but are usually known as total vegetarians since they do not eat meat of any kind, never wear clothing made from animals (wool for example), and never consume animal-based products like milk and eggs. That is the most extreme of the vegetarians.
Meat consumption is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer (number four in both men and women), whereas legumes and dried fruits appear to be protective. Ovarian cancer, number five in women, has been linked with dairy (including skim milk), egg, and meat consumption.
Meat analogs produced by high-moisture extrusion of soy proteins are good alternatives to animal meat and have many health benefits. In addition to textural properties, an abundant fibrous structure in such extrudates is a key factor for consumer acceptance. Meat analogs can be purchased to replace hamburger, steak, chicken, hot dogs, sausage, and many other meat products. Meat analogs are vegetable-protein based foods made to resemble and simulate various kinds of meat. These analogs have become a healthy alternative for the mainstream consumer interested in reducing the meat in their diets. Meat eating contributes to a mentality of violence through "karmic consequences.".Fear begets fear, fear begets violence, and violence begets violence. Meat-eaters inflict a heavy burden on vegetarians we pay dearly for the meat addictions of our fellow citizens today; and if things continue as they are, future generations of vegetarians will pay even more dearly. As of yet we vegetarians are not allowed tax breaks nor lower insurance premiums for our gentle lifestyle.
Animal wastes cause 10 times more water pollution than does the U.S. Meat producers are the number one industrial polluters in our nation, contributing to half the water pollution in the United States. Animal agribusiness requires vast resources, resulting in the devastation of the environment, and is a major contributor global warming (more, in fact, than all the world's cars, trucks and airplanes combined). And avoiding meat is better for our bodies: the American Dietetic Association reports that vegetarians have lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer and that vegetarians are less likely to be obese than meat-eaters.
Eating nuts and whole grains, while eliminating dairy products and meat, will improve your cardiovascular health. A British study indicates that a vegan diet reduces the risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Eating flourishing is digit of the easiest structure to secure both your feeling and fleshly eudaemonia rest at their constructive peek.
Vegetarians do not support the meat producing industry, an industry that accounts for more waste production than all other industries in the United States combined. As a vegetarian, you benefit from a more healthy lifestyle, as well as promoting a healthier planet. The SDA vegetarian diet recommends some legumes, nuts, and low-fat diary products in moderation. Examples of recommended dairy products would be milk, yogurt, light cheeses, with eggs used sparingly. Add a massive orange juice (they only come in "massive" these days) and you have a pretty healthy veggie meal for a couple
of bucks. The eggs are on the register but not the menu. Even though fatty meats may be limited on a vegetarian diet, a steady diet of fatty dairy products could cause the amount of artery-clogging saturated fat that is consumed to be off the Richter scale!
IMPORTANT NOTICE It is strongly advised that all persons seek advice and guidance from a competent medical doctor regarding and prior to embarking on a vegetarian dietary lifestyle change. This is particularly true for pregnant women or mothers who are breast feeding infant children, senior citizens, growing children, and/or any individual who is suffering from or being treated for any disease or health disorder.
Article Source:
About the Author:
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Vernon De Flanders - Is the Webmaster Of " Vegetarian Lives " author of the new eBook: " Making the Case of a Vegetarian Lifestyle " A Beginner's Guide to the Vegan and Vegetarian Lifestyle. Here Is How You Can Look Better, Feel Better, Have More Energy and Even Add Years To Your Life!
Copyright (c) 2008 Vernon DeFlanders
A total vegetarian or vegan diet, contrary to popular belief, is interesting, flavorful and usually includes a much wider variety of foods than those consumed by the average omnivore. By adopting a vegetarian diet, not only do we avoid the risks presented by consuming animal products, we enjoy colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant packages that go to work to help protect our cells against heart
disease and invading cancers.
Vegetarianism (for health) doesn't need to be a religion. It will be a meal by meal choice. Their staples like rice, oats, beans, and pasta are very inexpensive. Vegetarians do not need to eat special combinations of foods to meet protein needs. However, it is important to be aware of fat.
Meats and other non-vegetarian products add toxins in the body and make it a bit difficult to get rid off; thus leading to further health complications. A vegetarian diet on the
other hand, is easy on the body, is a healthier option, and helps the body to get rid off toxins easily. One of the most important health factors of a vegetarian diet is the lowered amount of cholesterol intake, you will lower your cholesterol levels greatly by a vegetarian diet, but a vegan diet will stop your intake 100 percent.
Vegetarian alternatives are now more accessible to everyone. Serve simple foods that can easily be duplicated by food service (rather than more expensive foods like fake meats). You may choose to serve several at one sitting, or go periodically, say once a month, with different selections. Serve with salad, we also like couscous with herbs and spices and roasted veg. It works well and as my daughter (at the moment) will eat chicken but not much in the way of red meat we are surviving. Serve the kabobs with a tossed green salad and something light for dessert, such as a fruit sorbet. Vegetarian diets that are poorly planned may range from a lack of protein, iron, and zinc, vitamin B12 to having a deficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids to vitamin A, B2, D and iodine. Without a proper diet, people who are vegans may be deficient in vitamin B12 and calcium. Vegetarian Times is packed with delicious, easy recipes that can aid proper weight control. Our pages contain everything from quick dinners for the family to elegant company meals.
For most vegans, veganism is more than just a diet it is also a lifestyle. Vegans or total vegetarians only eat plant foods, which include legumes or dried beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts. Lactovegetarians eat plant food and include cheese and other dairy products. Vegans can get adequate calcium from plant products but it is a challenge! Studies suggest that vegetarians don't need as much calcium as non-vegetarians - but as much doesn't mean not any. If you are using tofu as a calcium source, be sure it is calcium set. Soy, itself, does not contain substantial calcium; it is a certain process of making the tofu that adds the calcium. Vegans are considered vegetarians but are usually known as total vegetarians since they do not eat meat of any kind, never wear clothing made from animals (wool for example), and never consume animal-based products like milk and eggs. That is the most extreme of the vegetarians.
Meat consumption is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer (number four in both men and women), whereas legumes and dried fruits appear to be protective. Ovarian cancer, number five in women, has been linked with dairy (including skim milk), egg, and meat consumption.
Meat analogs produced by high-moisture extrusion of soy proteins are good alternatives to animal meat and have many health benefits. In addition to textural properties, an abundant fibrous structure in such extrudates is a key factor for consumer acceptance. Meat analogs can be purchased to replace hamburger, steak, chicken, hot dogs, sausage, and many other meat products. Meat analogs are vegetable-protein based foods made to resemble and simulate various kinds of meat. These analogs have become a healthy alternative for the mainstream consumer interested in reducing the meat in their diets. Meat eating contributes to a mentality of violence through "karmic consequences.".Fear begets fear, fear begets violence, and violence begets violence. Meat-eaters inflict a heavy burden on vegetarians we pay dearly for the meat addictions of our fellow citizens today; and if things continue as they are, future generations of vegetarians will pay even more dearly. As of yet we vegetarians are not allowed tax breaks nor lower insurance premiums for our gentle lifestyle.
Animal wastes cause 10 times more water pollution than does the U.S. Meat producers are the number one industrial polluters in our nation, contributing to half the water pollution in the United States. Animal agribusiness requires vast resources, resulting in the devastation of the environment, and is a major contributor global warming (more, in fact, than all the world's cars, trucks and airplanes combined). And avoiding meat is better for our bodies: the American Dietetic Association reports that vegetarians have lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer and that vegetarians are less likely to be obese than meat-eaters.
Eating nuts and whole grains, while eliminating dairy products and meat, will improve your cardiovascular health. A British study indicates that a vegan diet reduces the risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Eating flourishing is digit of the easiest structure to secure both your feeling and fleshly eudaemonia rest at their constructive peek.
Vegetarians do not support the meat producing industry, an industry that accounts for more waste production than all other industries in the United States combined. As a vegetarian, you benefit from a more healthy lifestyle, as well as promoting a healthier planet. The SDA vegetarian diet recommends some legumes, nuts, and low-fat diary products in moderation. Examples of recommended dairy products would be milk, yogurt, light cheeses, with eggs used sparingly. Add a massive orange juice (they only come in "massive" these days) and you have a pretty healthy veggie meal for a couple
of bucks. The eggs are on the register but not the menu. Even though fatty meats may be limited on a vegetarian diet, a steady diet of fatty dairy products could cause the amount of artery-clogging saturated fat that is consumed to be off the Richter scale!
IMPORTANT NOTICE It is strongly advised that all persons seek advice and guidance from a competent medical doctor regarding and prior to embarking on a vegetarian dietary lifestyle change. This is particularly true for pregnant women or mothers who are breast feeding infant children, senior citizens, growing children, and/or any individual who is suffering from or being treated for any disease or health disorder.
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About the Author:
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Vernon De Flanders - Is the Webmaster Of " Vegetarian Lives " author of the new eBook: " Making the Case of a Vegetarian Lifestyle " A Beginner's Guide to the Vegan and Vegetarian Lifestyle. Here Is How You Can Look Better, Feel Better, Have More Energy and Even Add Years To Your Life!
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Secret Power of Vegetarians
Author: Paul Hata
Most people who don't know anything about the vegetarian lifestyle think that is must be pure drudgery being a vegetarian and giving up meat. That is a misconception because even though meat is not a part of a vegetarian diet, it isn't about what you are going without, it is what is in your diet and in your life that makes a vegetarian lifestyle work so well. If you actually interviewed a vegetarian, the last thing they would say is that they are all about not eating meat. Instead they are about living in healthy way in a way that is at peace with the environment and with their own bodies.
The body of knowledge about vegetarians that most people don't know is pretty astounding. Most people do understand the basic three reasons someone becomes a vegetarian which are health, animal rights and spiritual or moral reasons. But there are a number of side benefits and little secrets only vegetarians know that if they became popularized, the flood of converts to vegetarianism would be overwhelming. Some of those little secrets includes :
1.Vegetarians are not depressed as much as others because they know some secrets to overcoming depression naturally.
2.Vegetarians do not struggle with weight issues as much as others.
3.Vegetarians are better informed about nutrition and know how to make the most of what they eat.
4.Vegetarians sleep better, are more energetic and need less sleep than meat eaters.
5.Vegetarians have a much reduced incidence of cancer, heart disease and digestive disorders.
6.Vegetarians live longer than meat eaters.
One secret vegetarians know that gets almost no press is the power of walnuts. There is a little known chemical in walnuts called serotonin that is a powerful antidepressant. Now you can get your doctor to prescribe an artificial anti depressant which can cost you a lot of money and put you at risk for chemical dependency. Or you can make a nice hot cup of tea with walnut as part of the mix. About half a walnut shell mixed in with your regular tea brew fills the drink with serotonin. Taken regularly, you will feel the effects of a chemical pick me up that can combat depression very effectively.
Another little secret of vegetarians runs against the normal rules of dieting to get the full value of nutrients you might expect from eating a salad. Diet theory would have you use no salad dressing or at very least a zero fat or low fat salad dressing. Vegetarians who are more in touch with the effects of foods in their bodies know that the real value of eating salad are the natural nutrients in leafy vegetables called carotenoids. But science has shown us that the best way to pull cerotenoids from green vegetables is to use a higher fat salad dressing. So enjoy that fatty dressing because your vegetarian lifestyle will deliver plenty of weight loss value to you even with this small indulgence that can do you so much good.
Speaking of tea, green tea is often a staple of a vegetarians diet because of the little health secrets buried in this amazing drink. Green tea has powers to help your digestive system, help combat depression and to accelerate weight loss that ancient cultures like the Chinese and India have known for centuries. Vegetarians have caught up on this secret of health knowledge ahead of us so its time well learned from their wisdom.
These are just a few of the wisdom of the ancients that have been rediscovered by the modern vegetarian "craze". But it really isn't a craze because once you start living a healthy life cashing in on these many benefits a vegetarian lifestyle will give you, you will never want to go back.
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1000s of Affordable Beauty, Cosmetics, Diet and Nutrition Products here - , , and
Most people who don't know anything about the vegetarian lifestyle think that is must be pure drudgery being a vegetarian and giving up meat. That is a misconception because even though meat is not a part of a vegetarian diet, it isn't about what you are going without, it is what is in your diet and in your life that makes a vegetarian lifestyle work so well. If you actually interviewed a vegetarian, the last thing they would say is that they are all about not eating meat. Instead they are about living in healthy way in a way that is at peace with the environment and with their own bodies.
The body of knowledge about vegetarians that most people don't know is pretty astounding. Most people do understand the basic three reasons someone becomes a vegetarian which are health, animal rights and spiritual or moral reasons. But there are a number of side benefits and little secrets only vegetarians know that if they became popularized, the flood of converts to vegetarianism would be overwhelming. Some of those little secrets includes :
1.Vegetarians are not depressed as much as others because they know some secrets to overcoming depression naturally.
2.Vegetarians do not struggle with weight issues as much as others.
3.Vegetarians are better informed about nutrition and know how to make the most of what they eat.
4.Vegetarians sleep better, are more energetic and need less sleep than meat eaters.
5.Vegetarians have a much reduced incidence of cancer, heart disease and digestive disorders.
6.Vegetarians live longer than meat eaters.
One secret vegetarians know that gets almost no press is the power of walnuts. There is a little known chemical in walnuts called serotonin that is a powerful antidepressant. Now you can get your doctor to prescribe an artificial anti depressant which can cost you a lot of money and put you at risk for chemical dependency. Or you can make a nice hot cup of tea with walnut as part of the mix. About half a walnut shell mixed in with your regular tea brew fills the drink with serotonin. Taken regularly, you will feel the effects of a chemical pick me up that can combat depression very effectively.
Another little secret of vegetarians runs against the normal rules of dieting to get the full value of nutrients you might expect from eating a salad. Diet theory would have you use no salad dressing or at very least a zero fat or low fat salad dressing. Vegetarians who are more in touch with the effects of foods in their bodies know that the real value of eating salad are the natural nutrients in leafy vegetables called carotenoids. But science has shown us that the best way to pull cerotenoids from green vegetables is to use a higher fat salad dressing. So enjoy that fatty dressing because your vegetarian lifestyle will deliver plenty of weight loss value to you even with this small indulgence that can do you so much good.
Speaking of tea, green tea is often a staple of a vegetarians diet because of the little health secrets buried in this amazing drink. Green tea has powers to help your digestive system, help combat depression and to accelerate weight loss that ancient cultures like the Chinese and India have known for centuries. Vegetarians have caught up on this secret of health knowledge ahead of us so its time well learned from their wisdom.
These are just a few of the wisdom of the ancients that have been rediscovered by the modern vegetarian "craze". But it really isn't a craze because once you start living a healthy life cashing in on these many benefits a vegetarian lifestyle will give you, you will never want to go back.
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1000s of Affordable Beauty, Cosmetics, Diet and Nutrition Products here - , , and
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Why People Become Vegetarians
Author: Kim Novak
Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming the flesh of any animal (including sea animals) with or without also eschewing other animal derivatives. This includes other food such as dairy products or eggs. Some vegetarians may choose to also refrain from wearing all clothing that has involved the death of animals. This includes items such as leather, silk and fur. Veganism, sometimes called "strict vegetarianism", excludes all animal products from clothing and food, whether or not their production has involved the actual death of an animal (dairy, eggs, honey, wool, silk and down feathers). Vegetarians have varied motivations including religious, cultural, ethical, environmental, social, economic, and health concerns.
Vegetarianism may have been common in the Indian subcontinent as early as the 2nd millennium BC. Hinduism preaches that it is the ideal diet for spiritual progress all its followers need to be vegetarian.
Vegetarians in Europe used to be called "Pythagoreans",after the philosopher Pythagoras and his followers, who abstained from meat in the 6th century BC. They followed a vegetarian diet for nutritional and ethical reasons.
Vegetarianism in the 19th century was associated with many cultural reform movements, such as temperance and anti-vivisection. Many "new women" feminists at the end of the century were vegetarians
Most vegetarians claim that they became a vegetarian for one of three reasons.
The first reason, which most vegetarians claim, is that they have ethical problems with eating meat. Most disagree with how chickens are debeaked, forced to live in small cages, and are then slaughtered when they do not produce eggs fast enough.
Most vegetarians also disagree with the crowded and stressful environments animals are forced to endure; and the hormone-laden feed utilized to make them grow faster and produce more.
People who become vegetarians for this purpose often draw ethical boundaries in different spots, depending on their personal beliefs. For instance, some staunch vegans will not consume yeast, wear wool, or even eat certain vegetables, such as carrots, that require killing the
plant to harvest.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, some vegetarians--sometimes referred to as pseudo-vegetarians--will actually eat fish and chicken on a regular basis.
The second biggest reason vegetarians claim for not eating meat is that it conflicts with their dietary preferences. Some of these vegetarians simply do not like the texture and taste of meat; others do not eat it because it is high in cholesterol and often contains high concentrations of hormones and preservatives.
The third and smallest group of vegetarians cite environmental reasons for not consuming meat. They complain that consumption of meat causes farmers to continually deforest land to create grazing land for cattle.
In addition to these three major groups, there are a number of other smaller groups of vegetarians who stopped eating meat for entirely different reasons.
Many nonvegetarians ponder what drives vegetarians to give up meat and adopt an entirely different lifestyle. There is no single answer to this question. Nonvegetarians become vegetarians for a number of different reasons - some even for multiple reasons.
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About the Author:
Kim Novak is an author and instructor. Kim has written a great deal about vegetarians and their lifestyles . Visit our website for dozens of articles and vegetarian recipes .
Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming the flesh of any animal (including sea animals) with or without also eschewing other animal derivatives. This includes other food such as dairy products or eggs. Some vegetarians may choose to also refrain from wearing all clothing that has involved the death of animals. This includes items such as leather, silk and fur. Veganism, sometimes called "strict vegetarianism", excludes all animal products from clothing and food, whether or not their production has involved the actual death of an animal (dairy, eggs, honey, wool, silk and down feathers). Vegetarians have varied motivations including religious, cultural, ethical, environmental, social, economic, and health concerns.
Vegetarianism may have been common in the Indian subcontinent as early as the 2nd millennium BC. Hinduism preaches that it is the ideal diet for spiritual progress all its followers need to be vegetarian.
Vegetarians in Europe used to be called "Pythagoreans",after the philosopher Pythagoras and his followers, who abstained from meat in the 6th century BC. They followed a vegetarian diet for nutritional and ethical reasons.
Vegetarianism in the 19th century was associated with many cultural reform movements, such as temperance and anti-vivisection. Many "new women" feminists at the end of the century were vegetarians
Most vegetarians claim that they became a vegetarian for one of three reasons.
The first reason, which most vegetarians claim, is that they have ethical problems with eating meat. Most disagree with how chickens are debeaked, forced to live in small cages, and are then slaughtered when they do not produce eggs fast enough.
Most vegetarians also disagree with the crowded and stressful environments animals are forced to endure; and the hormone-laden feed utilized to make them grow faster and produce more.
People who become vegetarians for this purpose often draw ethical boundaries in different spots, depending on their personal beliefs. For instance, some staunch vegans will not consume yeast, wear wool, or even eat certain vegetables, such as carrots, that require killing the
plant to harvest.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, some vegetarians--sometimes referred to as pseudo-vegetarians--will actually eat fish and chicken on a regular basis.
The second biggest reason vegetarians claim for not eating meat is that it conflicts with their dietary preferences. Some of these vegetarians simply do not like the texture and taste of meat; others do not eat it because it is high in cholesterol and often contains high concentrations of hormones and preservatives.
The third and smallest group of vegetarians cite environmental reasons for not consuming meat. They complain that consumption of meat causes farmers to continually deforest land to create grazing land for cattle.
In addition to these three major groups, there are a number of other smaller groups of vegetarians who stopped eating meat for entirely different reasons.
Many nonvegetarians ponder what drives vegetarians to give up meat and adopt an entirely different lifestyle. There is no single answer to this question. Nonvegetarians become vegetarians for a number of different reasons - some even for multiple reasons.
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About the Author:
Kim Novak is an author and instructor. Kim has written a great deal about vegetarians and their lifestyles . Visit our website for dozens of articles and vegetarian recipes .
vegetarian diet
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Weight Loss With Vegetarian Diet
Author: Paul Hata
If you've been to any large banquets recently, you may have noticed people passing up the prime rib and baked chicken in order to feast on a vegetarian meal. Vegetarianism seems to be gaining in popularity each year, spurred on by health concerns, weight difficulties, and celebrity endorsements. You may find that a vegetarian diet is the key to weight loss in your particular case.
First of all, it is important to define the vegetarian diet. You may be surprised to learn that there are actually a variety of vegetarian diets in use today. In some cases, vegetarians eat only fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts. In other cases, they may also eat cheese and drink milk, while in still other cases, they may eat eggs.
One of the advantages to the vegetarian diet is that it tends to be low in fat and cholesterol. As a result, a vegetarian diet can help you avoid heart problems and even cancer. However, you may also find that you are missing some important vitamins and minerals on a strictly vegetarian diet.
It has been said that the key to a successful vegetarian diet is planning. You must decide what you will be eating for every meal in order to ensure that you receive the proper nutrients. Otherwise, you may end up starving your body of the nutrients you need in order to be healthy.
A major benefit of the vegetarian diet is that it tends to involve a healthy serving of fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains. However, getting enough protein can be a challenge. Therefore, you might consider adding soy to your diet, which is high in protein content. Another important consideration is iron. You'll need to make sure that you eat spinach and beans in order to guarantee that you receive enough iron, since you will not be consuming customary sources of iron such as liver and roast beef.
You may need to supplement your diet with vitamins in order to ensure that you receive the appropriate amount of B-12, Vitamin D, calcium, and zinc. Otherwise, you'll have to load up on cereals, soy milk, spinach, and broccoli. Also, eating a vegetarian diet does not mean you have a license to eat as many sugary foods as you want. You'll still have to restrict high-calorie foods.
Variety has been called the spice of life and it is also the key to an effective vegetarian diet. You'll need to eat an array of fruits and vegetables. Also, if you do use dairy, be sure that you choose non-fat or low-fat milk and cheese. Since eggs are rich in cholesterol, you should eat them only in moderation.
Studies have shown that vegetarians tend to consume fewer calories each day than meat-eaters. Also, the body mass index a tool used to measure obesity is generally lower for vegetarians than for the population at large. However, as a vegetarian, you will still need to pay attention to portion control and calorie counts. Therefore, while vegetarianism may not be a panacea for weight loss, it can certainly help in the battle against the bulge.
However, it should be noted here that some people mistakenly look upon vegetarianism as a quick fix. They figure that if they give up meat for a couple of weeks, they'll lose weight. Then, after their trial period is over, they go back to their old eating habits. This is a bad pattern because it encourages yo-yo dieting. If you decide to go on a vegetarian diet, it is very important that you stick with it. Otherwise, you may be greatly disappointed in your weight loss progress.
Vegetarianism is not for everyone. However, if you enjoy fruits and vegetables, are non-committal about meat, and are good at planning meals, you may want to go vegan. But if you do not fall into that category, another diet plan may be preferable. Which diet program you ultimately choose may depend greatly upon your personal preferences and what kind of diet regimen you are prepared to follow over the long run. The key to any successful diet is commitment; you must be determined to succeed.
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1000s of Affordable Beauty, Cosmetics, Diet and Nutrition Products here - , , and
If you've been to any large banquets recently, you may have noticed people passing up the prime rib and baked chicken in order to feast on a vegetarian meal. Vegetarianism seems to be gaining in popularity each year, spurred on by health concerns, weight difficulties, and celebrity endorsements. You may find that a vegetarian diet is the key to weight loss in your particular case.
First of all, it is important to define the vegetarian diet. You may be surprised to learn that there are actually a variety of vegetarian diets in use today. In some cases, vegetarians eat only fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts. In other cases, they may also eat cheese and drink milk, while in still other cases, they may eat eggs.
One of the advantages to the vegetarian diet is that it tends to be low in fat and cholesterol. As a result, a vegetarian diet can help you avoid heart problems and even cancer. However, you may also find that you are missing some important vitamins and minerals on a strictly vegetarian diet.
It has been said that the key to a successful vegetarian diet is planning. You must decide what you will be eating for every meal in order to ensure that you receive the proper nutrients. Otherwise, you may end up starving your body of the nutrients you need in order to be healthy.
A major benefit of the vegetarian diet is that it tends to involve a healthy serving of fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains. However, getting enough protein can be a challenge. Therefore, you might consider adding soy to your diet, which is high in protein content. Another important consideration is iron. You'll need to make sure that you eat spinach and beans in order to guarantee that you receive enough iron, since you will not be consuming customary sources of iron such as liver and roast beef.
You may need to supplement your diet with vitamins in order to ensure that you receive the appropriate amount of B-12, Vitamin D, calcium, and zinc. Otherwise, you'll have to load up on cereals, soy milk, spinach, and broccoli. Also, eating a vegetarian diet does not mean you have a license to eat as many sugary foods as you want. You'll still have to restrict high-calorie foods.
Variety has been called the spice of life and it is also the key to an effective vegetarian diet. You'll need to eat an array of fruits and vegetables. Also, if you do use dairy, be sure that you choose non-fat or low-fat milk and cheese. Since eggs are rich in cholesterol, you should eat them only in moderation.
Studies have shown that vegetarians tend to consume fewer calories each day than meat-eaters. Also, the body mass index a tool used to measure obesity is generally lower for vegetarians than for the population at large. However, as a vegetarian, you will still need to pay attention to portion control and calorie counts. Therefore, while vegetarianism may not be a panacea for weight loss, it can certainly help in the battle against the bulge.
However, it should be noted here that some people mistakenly look upon vegetarianism as a quick fix. They figure that if they give up meat for a couple of weeks, they'll lose weight. Then, after their trial period is over, they go back to their old eating habits. This is a bad pattern because it encourages yo-yo dieting. If you decide to go on a vegetarian diet, it is very important that you stick with it. Otherwise, you may be greatly disappointed in your weight loss progress.
Vegetarianism is not for everyone. However, if you enjoy fruits and vegetables, are non-committal about meat, and are good at planning meals, you may want to go vegan. But if you do not fall into that category, another diet plan may be preferable. Which diet program you ultimately choose may depend greatly upon your personal preferences and what kind of diet regimen you are prepared to follow over the long run. The key to any successful diet is commitment; you must be determined to succeed.
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1000s of Affordable Beauty, Cosmetics, Diet and Nutrition Products here - , , and
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Lifestyle of A Vegetarian
Author: Paul Hata
One of the biggest injustices that the vegetarian movement has endured is that in popular culture, the image of a vegetarian is that of a fanatic hippy or cult member who is "off the deep end" and cannot think about anything else besides "saving a cow" and pushing vegetarianism on everyone he meets.
The truth is that the lifestyle of a vegetarian is not that different than everyone else in the culture. In fact, the odds are that somewhere in your social circle at work, school, church or in your family and friends network, you already know several people who are quietly enjoying the lifestyle of a vegetarian. So to help us get over the negative stereotypes to understand how a vegetarian actually lives, lets examine what is different about a vegetarians life.
The most significant difference in how a vegetarian lives is obvious because it is in how he or she eats. You will not find any meat in a vegetarian's kitchen. Now this doesn't mean that a vegetarian cannot live in a family and be at peace with meat eaters. If the home has one vegetarian but others who are not, you will be able to tell from the presence of soy and perhaps more fruit and fresh vegetables in the refrigerator. But the idea that vegetarians cannot be around meat eaters is false. If anything vegetarians are peace loving and can live their lifestyle around others who are not of their belief system very well.
Grocery shopping with a vegetarian is an eye opening experience and one that is quite different in more ways than you would suspect. Being a vegetarian isn't just about what you don't eat in that you don't eat meat. It is also about a completely different approach to diet and foods. So you will not see a vegetarian buying food in the same way most people do. There will be much more time spent in the fresh produce section of the grocery store. The checkout basket of a vegetarian will give him or her away every time because it will be overflowing with fresh foods.
But shopping for food with a vegetarian means shopping in other places than the local grocery store. It means buying grains and beans in bulk at a warehouse store because that is one way that a vegetarian maintains health by replacing the protein and other nutrients that the rest of the world gets from meat and replacing it with proteins from beans and other natural foods. It also means shopping in farmer's markets and even shopping in a vegetarian specialty store for some high nutrition meat substitutes like tofu.
The vegetarian movement is in harmony with many of the earth first movements such as the organic movement and the green movement. So a vegetarian kitchen will have more organic foods on hand to reduce the presence of harmful pesticides and other substances in the diet. Also vegetarianism affects the lifestyle beyond just the refrigerator and the pantry. You will not find leather clothing in a vegetarian's closet and you wont find fur there either. That is became for the most part vegetarians are sensitive to animal rights and they don't want to see the skin of animals used in their clothing.
The house of a vegetarian will also be a recycling house to do all that is possible to cut down on waste and to be earth friendly. Along with recycling bottles and cans as you might expect, a vegetarian recycles a lot right at home. A recycling home will often have a compost pile in the yard for food waste and it will also support a good sized garden to use that compost to grow at home organic foods to supplement a healthy diet.
For obvious reasons, a vegetarian will have vegetarian friends and belong to social groups and attend functions that support the vegetarian lifestyle. Eating out with a vegetarian will mean going to more ethnic food restaurants and you will see a lot of creativity in how to order foods in a restaurant. But contrary to popular opinion, vegetarian eating is more flavorful and diverse than the normal diet.
Just spending a day with a vegetarian will reveal to you a more harmonious lifestyle that is sensitive to the environment and at peace with itself. It is a healthy and happy lifestyle and one that should be attractive to all of us.
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One of the biggest injustices that the vegetarian movement has endured is that in popular culture, the image of a vegetarian is that of a fanatic hippy or cult member who is "off the deep end" and cannot think about anything else besides "saving a cow" and pushing vegetarianism on everyone he meets.
The truth is that the lifestyle of a vegetarian is not that different than everyone else in the culture. In fact, the odds are that somewhere in your social circle at work, school, church or in your family and friends network, you already know several people who are quietly enjoying the lifestyle of a vegetarian. So to help us get over the negative stereotypes to understand how a vegetarian actually lives, lets examine what is different about a vegetarians life.
The most significant difference in how a vegetarian lives is obvious because it is in how he or she eats. You will not find any meat in a vegetarian's kitchen. Now this doesn't mean that a vegetarian cannot live in a family and be at peace with meat eaters. If the home has one vegetarian but others who are not, you will be able to tell from the presence of soy and perhaps more fruit and fresh vegetables in the refrigerator. But the idea that vegetarians cannot be around meat eaters is false. If anything vegetarians are peace loving and can live their lifestyle around others who are not of their belief system very well.
Grocery shopping with a vegetarian is an eye opening experience and one that is quite different in more ways than you would suspect. Being a vegetarian isn't just about what you don't eat in that you don't eat meat. It is also about a completely different approach to diet and foods. So you will not see a vegetarian buying food in the same way most people do. There will be much more time spent in the fresh produce section of the grocery store. The checkout basket of a vegetarian will give him or her away every time because it will be overflowing with fresh foods.
But shopping for food with a vegetarian means shopping in other places than the local grocery store. It means buying grains and beans in bulk at a warehouse store because that is one way that a vegetarian maintains health by replacing the protein and other nutrients that the rest of the world gets from meat and replacing it with proteins from beans and other natural foods. It also means shopping in farmer's markets and even shopping in a vegetarian specialty store for some high nutrition meat substitutes like tofu.
The vegetarian movement is in harmony with many of the earth first movements such as the organic movement and the green movement. So a vegetarian kitchen will have more organic foods on hand to reduce the presence of harmful pesticides and other substances in the diet. Also vegetarianism affects the lifestyle beyond just the refrigerator and the pantry. You will not find leather clothing in a vegetarian's closet and you wont find fur there either. That is became for the most part vegetarians are sensitive to animal rights and they don't want to see the skin of animals used in their clothing.
The house of a vegetarian will also be a recycling house to do all that is possible to cut down on waste and to be earth friendly. Along with recycling bottles and cans as you might expect, a vegetarian recycles a lot right at home. A recycling home will often have a compost pile in the yard for food waste and it will also support a good sized garden to use that compost to grow at home organic foods to supplement a healthy diet.
For obvious reasons, a vegetarian will have vegetarian friends and belong to social groups and attend functions that support the vegetarian lifestyle. Eating out with a vegetarian will mean going to more ethnic food restaurants and you will see a lot of creativity in how to order foods in a restaurant. But contrary to popular opinion, vegetarian eating is more flavorful and diverse than the normal diet.
Just spending a day with a vegetarian will reveal to you a more harmonious lifestyle that is sensitive to the environment and at peace with itself. It is a healthy and happy lifestyle and one that should be attractive to all of us.
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